For Brands, Businesses & Agencies
We've just made running an influencer campaign easy
Find your perfect influencers in minutes, free now and forever; you don't even need to subscribe or sign in. Our team is made up of business and agency experts. We have always found that if you want to discover influencers, you either need to pay to access some complex system, pay an influencer agency to find them for you or trawl profiles until you find your perfect partner. To say we found this irritating is an understatement, so we built the Influencers Directory. It's completely free to find an influencer and connect with them via their preferred contact method, Messenger, WhatsApp, Email or through an agent. You can build collections of your favourite influencers, making it easy to find the right people quickly for the right campaign.
We have defined a scoring system (currently in beta) to try and give you some idea of the strength of an influencer. We will continuously be adjusting this algorithm to reflect best the key points that are important when selecting your influencers.
We also have banner space available on the homepage, and opportunities to sponsor influencer events and emails, email for more information.
We also provide Influencer Business Services you can read more on this here.